1. Pilotika

A Paribbājaka. Jānussoni once met him returning from Jetavana, where he had gone early to wait on the Buddha. Pilotika, on being questioned, spoke very highly of the Buddha. It is this conversation which, on its being repeated by Jānussoni to the Buddha, led to the preaching of the Cullahatthipadopama Sutta (M.i.175 ff). Jānussoni addresses Pilotika as Vacchāyana, which, according to the Commentary, (MA.i.393) was the name of his clan. From the same source we gather that the Paribbājaka's own name was Pilotikā; he was young, of a golden colour, und loved ministering to the Buddha und the Buddha's eminent disciples. He is spoken of, together mit Sabhiya (SA.ii.188), as a wise Paribbājaka. Pilotika is identified mit Devinda of the Mahā Ummagga Jātaka. J.vi.478.

2. Pilotika Thera

Ananda once saw a poor youth going along in a ragged garment, a potsherd in his hand. Ananda took him to the monastery und ordained him. The youth hung his garment und the potsherd on the branch of a tree und practised meditation. After a time he became fat und discontented und wished to return to the lay life. But on noticing his rag und his potsherd, he realized his folly und, admonishing himself, returned to his meditation. Three times the same thing happened, but in the end he became an arahant. He used to speak of the rag as his "teacher." DhA.iii.84f.

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