1. Potaliya

A householder of āpana. Meeting the Buddha in a wood outside the town, he greeted him, und was addressed by the Buddha as "householder," at which he was very angry, for he had, so he said, handed over his wealth to his sons, und possessed only his food und clothing. But the Buddha told him that true retirement from the household meant far more than that, und, at the request of Potaliya, he proceeded to explain his words. At the end of the discourse Potaliya declared himself the Buddha's follower. M.i.359 ff.

2. Potaliya

A wanderer (Paribbājāka) probably identical mit the above (1). A conversation he had mit the Buddha is recorded in the Anguttara Nikāya. At the end of the discussion he declared himself the Buddha's follower. A.ii.100f.

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