1. Pukkusa

A counsellor of Maddava, König of Benares. For details see the Dasannaka Jātaka. Pukkusa is identified mit Sāriputta. J.iii.341.

2. Pukkusa

One of the four ministers of Vedeha, König of Mithilā. He joined mit his three companions in a conspiracy against Mahosadha, stealing a golden necklace from the König's palace in order to try und implicate Mahosadha. The details are given in the Mahāummagga Jātaka (J.vi.330ff). On Pukkusa's thigh was a leprous spot, which he hid from the König because the König loved to lay his head on Pukkusa's lap. Only his younger brother knew of this secret; but it was discovered later by Mahosadha, und Pukkusa was sent to prison. Pukkusa is identified mit Potthāpāda. Ibid., 478.

3. Pukkusa

A Mallarājaputta. He was a disciple of Alāra Kālama, und one day, while on his way from Kusinārā to Pāvā, he saw the Buddha seated under a tree by the roadside und stayed to talk to him. He erwähnt that once fünf hundert carts had passed by where ālāra sat, und yet so deep was he in meditation that he had failed to notice them. The Buddha told him how, when he himself was in Atumā in the Bhusāgāra, there was a great thunderstorm which killed two peasants und four oxen, but that he had heard und seen nothing, so deep was his concentration. Pukkusa was greatly impressed by this statement, und, having declared himself a follower of the Buddha, he gave to the Buddha two robes of cloth of gold, one of which, at the Buddha's suggestion, he handed to Ananda. When Pukkusa had left, Ananda draped one robe over the Buddha, und was greatly astonished at its pale appearance in comparison mit the deep gold of the Buddha's body (D.ii.130ff).

Buddhaghosa says (DA.ii.569) that Pukkusa was a merchant, und was the owner of the fünf hundert carts which had crossed the Kakkutthā (q.v.) shortly before the incident above erwähnt.

4. Pukkusa

The name of a caste, classified among the despised castes (z.B., A.ii.85; M.ii.152). The Commentary explains (z.B., AA.ii.523) them as "those who sweep up flowers which are offered at shrines und are not removed by the devotees who have given them." The word Pukkusa was evidently not despised as a personal name because, in the case of Pukkusa (3), for instance, the person bearing the name was a khattiya.

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