He was of Ceylon, und crossed over to India, where he studied under Yonaka Dhammarakkhita. On his way home by sea he felt doubtful of one word, und returned all the way, one hundert leagues, to consult his teacher. On the way from the port he erwähnt the word to a householder, who was so pleased mit him that he gave him a blanket und one hundert tausend. This blanket Tissa gave to his teacher, but the latter cut it up und used it as a spread, as an example to others (not to desire luxuries). Tissa had his doubts set at rest und returned to Jambukola. There, at the Vālīkāvāma, as he was sweeping the courtyard of the cetiya, other monks asked him questions in order to vex him. But he was able to answer all these, having attained the patisambhidā. VibhA. 389.

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