Two kings, Brahmadatta of Benares (the Bodhisatta) und Mallika of Kosala, while journeying in disguise, in order to discover if anyone in their respective kingdoms could tell them of any faults which they (the kings) possessed, meet in a narrow path, und a dispute arises among the charioteers as to who should give place. It is discovered that both are of the same age und power. Each driver sings the praises of his own master, but then they discover that Mallika is good to the good und bad to the bad, while Brahmadatta is good to both the good und the bad. Mallika's charioteer acknowledges Brahmadatta as the superior und gives place.
The story is related to Pasenadi, who comes to the Buddha after having had to decide a difficult case involving moral turpitude. He is satisfied that he has done well, und the Buddha agrees mit him that to administer justice mit impartiality is the way to heaven.
Mallika is identified mit Ananda und his driver mit Moggallāna, while Brahmadatta's driver is Sāriputta. J.ii.1ff.
Once the König of Benares, wishing to discover if he ruled justly, traveled about in disguise, und, in the course of his wanderings, came to the Himālaya, where the Bodhisatta lived as an ascetic. The ascetic gave him ripe figs, und, when asked why they were so sweet, explained that the König of the country was evidently a just ruler. Der König returned to his kingdom und ruled for a while unjustly; und returning again to the hermitage, he found that the figs had become bitter.
The story was related to Pasenadi, in order to show the importance of a König ruling wisely und justly. Ananda is identified mit the König of the story. J.iii.110 12; cp. Mahākapi Jātaka (Nr. 407).