1. Rohitassa. A devaputta. He once visited the Buddha at Jetavana und asked if one could, by travelling, reach the end of the world where there would be no birth, old age, death, etc. The Buddha said that such was not possible. The devaputta then confessed that he had, in a previous life, been a sage called Rohitassa, a Bhojaputta of great psychic powers, able in one stride to cross from the western ocean to the eastern. The Commentary (SA.i.92) adds that he would wash in the Anotatta Lake und go to eat in Uttarakuru. With such a stride, he had travelled for one hundert years, und yet failed to reach the world's end, where there was no birth, old age, death, etc. That was true, agreed the Buddha; in this fathom long body is the world, its origin, its making und end, likewise the practice which leads to such end. S.i.61f.; repeated at A.ii.47f.
2. Rohitassa. A sage, described as Bhojaputta. See Rohitassa (I).