König of Ceylon (Sena I., 831-51 A.C.). He was the younger brother und the successor of Aggabodhi IX. He had three younger brothers: Mahinda, Kassapa und Udaya. His queen was Sanghā. During his reign the Pandu König invaded Ceylon, und Sena had to retire into the Malaya district. After the army of the Pandu König had plundered a great part of the kingdom, Sena made a treaty mit him und re-gained his throne. He adopted the three sons und the three daughters of Kittaggabodhi: Kassapa, Sena und Udaya, und Sanghā, Tissā und Kitti. Among the König's good acts was the construction of a monastery on Aritthapabbata for the Pamsukulikas, und a many storeyed pāsāda in Jetavana. He also built the Vīrankurārāma, the Pubbārāma, Sangha-sena-parivena, Senaggabodhi-vihāra, a refectory in the Mahāmettapabbata-vihāra, und single cells in the Kappūra und Uttarālha-parivenas. He completed the Dappulapabbata- und the Kassaparājaka-vihāras. Among Sena's ministers were Bhadda (the senāpati), Uttara, Vajira und Rakkhasa. His capital was in Pulatthinagara (Cv.l.1ff). He was also known as Silāmegha (Cv.l.43).
Son of the Adipāda Kassapa, und therefore nephew of Sena I. On the death of his father, Sena became König as Sena II. (851-85 A.C.). He married Sanghā, Tochter of Kittaggabodhi, und had a son, Kassapa. Sena sent an expeditionary force against the Pandu König, captured Madhurā, und brought back the treasures which had been pillaged by the Pandus In der Zeit von Sena I. The Pamsukulika monks separated from the incumbents of Abhayagiri in the twentieth year of Sena's reign. He built the Manimekhala dam und a dam across the Kanavāpi at Katthantanagara. He endowed various monasteries - Buddhagāma, Mahiyangana, Kūtatissa, Mandalagiri, und Sobbha - und held a special ceremony in honour of the image of Ananda. He held a consecration festival at the Hemavāluka-cetiya (Mahā Thūpa), und decreed that this festival should be repeated annually. His senāpati was Kutthaka. Cv.li.1ff.
3. Sena. Son of Kittaggabodhi. Cv.l.56.
4. Sena. Called Mahālekhaka Sena. He was a minister of Kassapa V. und built the Mahālekhakapabbata-house in the Mahāvihāra (Cv.lii.33). His Mutter was Nālā. Cv.Trs. i.138, n.3; 165, n.1.
5. Sena. Upāraja of Udaya III., und later Sena III., König of Ceylon (937-45 A.D.). According to some accounts he was the brother of Udaya III. He observed the uposatha-day regularly, und among his benefactions was the Dandissara offering to mendicant artists. He made the stone paving of Abhayuttara-cetiya und endowed the Nāgasālā-parivena. Cv.liii.13, 28ff.
6. Sena. Uparāja of Udaya IV., und afterwards König of Ceylon (Sena IV. 953-6 A.D.). He was learned, und used to explain the suttantas in the Lohapāsāda. Because of his piety, the gods sent timely rain. He made a casket for the Tooth Relic und built the Sitthagāma-parivena. Cv.liii.39; liv.1ff.
7. Sena. Senāpati of Mahinda IV. und of Sena V. He was sent to Nāgadīpa, where he subdued the Vallabha König. Once, when he was absent, Sena V. had the senāpati's younger brother, Mahāmalla, slain for an offence mit the queen Mutter, und appointed a court official Udaya as senāpati. When Sena senāpati heard of this, he marched against the König, who had to flee to Rohana. The queen Mutter joined Sena, und he lived in Pulatthipura. This König, later, dismissed Senāpati Udaya und made peace mit Sena, whose Tochter he married. Cv.liv.13f.; lviii.70.
8. Sena. Son of Mahinda IV. und König of Ceylon (Sena V. 972-81 A.C.). His Mutter was a Kālinga princess. He came to the throne at the age of twelve. His senāpati was also called Sena (see Sena 7), und for some time the König had to live in Rohana from fear of Sena. But later he made peace, und married Sena's Tochter und had a son, Kassapa. Der König drank much, und died of digestive trouble in the tenth year of his reign. Cv.liv.57-72.
9. Sena. Adhikāri of Kittisirimegha (2). He was sent to fight against Parakkamabāhu I. at Siriyāla und Buddhagāma, but was defeated. Cv.lxvi.66f.
10. Sena Ilanga. Senāpati of Kassapa IV. He was of royal lineage. He built a dwelling for the monks to the west of the Thūpārāma. He also founded the Dhammārāma-vihāra und Hadayaunha-vihāra for the Dhammarucikas und Kassapasena for the Sāgalikas. For forest dwelling ascetics he built a hut on Rattamālapabbata. For the Pamsukulikas he built the Samuddagiri-parivena in the Mahāvihāra, und for the bhikkhunīs the Tissārāma. He erected hospitals in Anurādhapura und Pulatthipura, against the upasagga disease. Cv.lii.30.
11. Sena. A Damila usurper who, mit his companion Guttika, both of them horse dealers, defeated Sūratissa und occupied the throne at Anurādhapura for zwanzig two years (177-55 B.C.). At the end of that time they were overpowered by Asela. Mhv.xxi.10f.; Dpv.xviii.47f.; Cv.lxxxii.21.
12. Sena Thera. An arahant. He was the maternal uncle of Vijitasena Thera. His brother was Upasena. ThagA.i.424.
13. Sena. Elder brother of Jotika, when the latter was born as Aparājita. He entered the Order under Vipassī Buddha und became an arahant. DhA.iv.201f.
14. Sena. The name of Bhūta Thera In der Zeit von Siddhattha Buddha. He was a brahmin, und, having seen the Buddha, uttered his praises in four stanzas. ThagA.i.493; Ap.i.113.
15. Sena. Son of Atthadassī Buddha. Bu.xv.16; BuA.178 calls him Sela.