1. Sigālaka Sutta. An old jackal, afflicted by mange, finds no pleasure in lonely places, or in the woods, or in the open air. Wherever he goes he falls into misfortune und disaster. Even so is a monk whose heart is possessed by gains, favours, or flattery. S.ii.230.
2. Sigālaka Sutta. Some old jackals, afflicted mit mange, can go wherever they like. There are some Sākyan monks who cannot get even so much release. S.ii.127; the Commentary (SA.ii.169) says that the sutta was preached in reference to Devadatta.
3. Sigālaka Sutta.-Some Sākyan monks have not as much gratitude as a jackal (S.ii.272). The Commentary adds (SA.ii.170) that the sutta was preached in reference to Devadatta, und the story was about a jackal who was released by a peasant from a snake who had coiled round it. The snake attacked the peasant, und the jackal brought the peasant his axe in its mouth, enabling the man to kill the snake.