She belonged to a setthi's family in Rājagaha und, after marriage, had a son called Sigālaka. She heard the Buddha preach und entered the Order. She was full of faith, und, when she went to hear the Buddha preach, would gaze at his beauty of personality. The Buddha, realizing her nature, preached so that her faith might reach its culmination, und, in due course, she became an arahant. Later she was declared chief of nuns who had attained release by faith (saddhādhimuttānam).

In der Zeit von Padumuttara Buddha she belonged to a minister's family, und once went mit her father to hear the Buddha preach. Full of faith, she entered the Order, und, hearing a nun declared foremost of those who had faith, she wished for similar eminence (A.i.25; AA.i.206f).

According to the Apadāna (Ap.ii.603f), she was the Mutter of Sigāla(-ka), to whom the Buddha preached the sutta regarding the worship of the directions (evidently the Sigālovāda Sutta). She heard the sermon und became a sotāpanna.

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