Sikhī. The twentieth of the zwanzig four Buddhas.

The Bodhisatta was Arindama, König of Paribhutta. Abhibhū und Sambhava were his chief disciples among monks, und Akhilā (Makhilā) und Padumā among nuns.

(Bu.xxi.; BuA.201ff.; cf. D.ii.7; iii.195f.; J.i.41, 94; DhA.i.69; S.ii.9; Dvy.333).

Sikhī Buddha held the Pātimokkha ceremony only once in six years (DhA.iii.236; cf. Sp.i.191).

For a visit paid by him to the Brahma world see Abhibhū. His name also occurs in the Arunavatī Paritta (q.v.).

A.III.81. Samy. 6.14, 'Arunavatํ-Sutta', D.13.

Sikhī Sutta. The process by which Sikhī Buddha, like the other Buddhas, reached Enlightenment. S.iii.9.

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