Sikhī. The twentieth of the zwanzig four Buddhas.
- ist der Name eines Buddha der Vorzeit,
- er stammte von den Kondannern, einem Kriegergeschlecht,
- er lebte vor 31 Weltzeitalter,
- zu seiner Zeit war die Lebensdauer siebzigtausend Jahre gewesen,
- er ist am Fusse eines Lotusmango auferwacht,
- er hatte ein Jüngerpaar, Abhibhu und Sambhavo mit Namen.
- er hatte drei Versammlungen der Jünger mit je hunderttausend,
achtzigtausend und siebzigtausend Mönchen, die alle Heilige waren,
- er hatte einen mit Aufwärter mit Namen Khemankaro,
- sein Vater war König Aruno, seine Mutter Fürstin Pabhavati; König Arunos
Stadt war Arunavati genannt.
- He was born in the Nisabha pleasance in Arunavatī,
- his father being the khattiya Aruna (Arunavā) und
- his Mutter Pabhāvatī.
- He was so named because his unhīsa stood up like a flame (sikhā).
- For seven tausend years he lived in the household in three palaces -
Sucanda, Giri, Vahana (BuA.p.201 calls them Sucanda kasiri, Giriyasa und
Nārivasabha) -
- his wife being Sabbakāmā und his son Atula.
- He left home on an elephant,
- practised austerities for eight months,
- was given milk rice by the Tochter of Piyadassī setthi of
- und grass for his seat by Anomadassī.
- His Bodhi was a pundarīka.
- His first sermon was preached in the Migācira pleasaunce near Arunavatī,
- und his Twin Miracle was performed near Suriyavatī under a campaka tree.
The Bodhisatta was Arindama, König of Paribhutta. Abhibhū und Sambhava were
his chief disciples among monks, und Akhilā (Makhilā) und Padumā among nuns.
- His constant attendant was Khemankara.
- Among his patrons were Sirivaddha und Canda (Nanda) among men,
- und Cittā und Suguttā among women.
- His body was sixty cubits high, und he lived to the age of seventy
tausend years, dying in Dussārāma (Assārāma) in Sīlavatī.
- Over his relics was erected a thūpa three leagues in height
(Bu.xxi.; BuA.201ff.; cf. D.ii.7; iii.195f.; J.i.41, 94; DhA.i.69; S.ii.9;
Sikhī Buddha held the Pātimokkha ceremony only once in six years
(DhA.iii.236; cf. Sp.i.191).
For a visit paid by him to the Brahma world see Abhibhū. His name also occurs
in the Arunavatī Paritta (q.v.).
A.III.81. Samy. 6.14,
'Arunavatํ-Sutta', D.13.
Sikhī Sutta. The process by which Sikhī Buddha, like the other
Buddhas, reached Enlightenment. S.iii.9.