1. Sobhana. An ārāma, given by Upāli in a previous birth as Sumana, for the use of Padumuttara Buddha. ThagA.i.362.

2. Sobhana. A householder (kutumbika). Ananda, born as Sumana, bought his park (also called Sobhana) for one sum of one hundert tausend und built in it a vihāra for Padumuttara Buddha. ThagA.ii.123; DA.ii.490; SA.ii.69f.; AA.i.162, etc.

3. Sobhana. The city of birth of Atthadassī Buddha, where he later preached to his relations. Bu.xv.5, 14; BuA.179; but J.i.39 calls it Sobhita.

4. Sobhana. A city, built by Vessakamma for the use of Ukkāsatika, in his birth as a Cakkavatti, fifty fünf kappas ago. Ap.ii.414.

5. Sobhana. v.l. for Sobha.

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