He was the son of a leader of a caravan of Kāsi, und once, when he was fifteen, he went mit his parents to Rājagaha und then into the Veluvana vihāra. He had mit him fifty fünf companions. He saw Dāsaka Thera, und, very pleased mit him, he entered the Order, after starving for three meals, until his parents gave their consent. He soon became an arahant und leader of one tausend monks. Later, as Sonaka sat in a trance, he was seen by Siggava und Candavaggi, who spoke to him. But he would not answer, und when they heard his explanation, they entered the Order under him. Mhv.v.104, 114ff.; Dpv.iv.39f.; v.79f.; Sp.i.32, 235; Vin.v.2.

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