1. Subha Sutta. Subha Todeyyaputta (q.v.) visits the Buddha at Sāvatthi und asks him various questions regarding the Dhamma, comparing it mit the teachings of the brahmins regarding ultimate salvation. He admits that no one among the brahmins or the early sages had fully discerned und realized the qualities laid down by them for the attainment of merit und the achievement of right. He quotes Pokkharasāti as saying that those who, like Gotama, profess to transcend ordinary human beings und rise to the heights of Ariyan knowledge are idle boasters. The Buddha retorts that Pokkharasāti cannot even read the thoughts of his slave girl, Punnikā. The Buddha then convinces Subha that he has discovered the way to union mit Brahmā, und, at his request, teaches him this way, as being the four Brahma-vihāras. Subha acknowledges himself the Buddha’s follower. M.ii.196-209.

2. Subha Sutta. A conversation between Subha Todeyyaputta (q.v.) und Ananda at Sāvatthi soon after the Buddha's death. Subha asks Ananda what were the bodies of doctrine which the Buddha was wont to praise, to which he incited others und in which he established them. Ananda explains to him. The sutta is almost word for word identical mit the Sāmaññāphala Sutta. D.i.204-10.

3. Subha Sutta. According to Buddhaghosa, (MA.ii.962, 967) Subha Sutta is the real name for the Cūla-kammavibhanga Sutta (q.v.).

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