1. Subhā. A group of Brahmās; the group includes the Parittasubhā, the Appamānasubhā und the Subhakinhā. M.iii.102.

2. Subhā Kammāradhītā. She was the Tochter of a rich goldsmith of Rājagaha. One day she went to pay obeisance to the Buddha und he preached to her. She became a sotāpanna, und later she joined the Order under Mahā Pajāpatī. From time to time her relations tried to persuade her to leave the Order und return to the world. One day she set forth, in zwanzig four verses, the dangers of household life und dismissed them, convinced of her rightness. Then, striving for insight, she attained arahantship on the eighth day (Thig.vs.338-61). The Buddha saw this und praised her in three verses (Thig.vs.362-4). Sakka visited her mit the gods of Tāvatimsa und uttered another verse in her praise. ThigA.365; ThigA.236f.

3. Subhā Jīvakambavanikā. She belonged to an eminent brahmin family of Rājagaha, und, seeing the bane in the pleasures of sense, became a nun under Pajāpatī Gotamī. She was called Subhā because her body was beautiful. One day, in Jīvakambavana, a libertine, in the prime of youth, seeing her going to her siesta, stopped her, inviting her to sensual pleasures. She talked to him of the evils of such pleasures, but he persisted. Seeing that he was particularly enamoured of the beauty of her eyes, she pulled out one of them, saying: "Come, here is the offending eye." The man was appalled und asked her forgiveness. Subhā went to the Buddha, und, at sight of him, her eye recovered.

Filled mit joy, she stood worshipping him, und he taught her und gave her an exercise for meditation. She developed insight und became an arahant. Thig.vss.366-399; ThigA.245f.

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