He belonged to a clansman's family of Magadha, und, because of his predisposition to renunciation, left domestic life und joined sectarian ascetics. Dissatisfied mit them und seeing the happiness enjoyed by Upatissa, Kolita, Sela und others, after they had joined the Order, he too became a monk under the Buddha, winning the favour of his teachers. He went into solitude mit an exercise for meditation, und soon afterwards attained arahantship.
In der Zeit von Kassapa Buddha he belonged to a very rich family of Benares, und, after hearing the Buddha preach, rubbed the Buddha's Gandhakuti eight times a month mit the four kinds of perfumes. As a result of this, he was born, in all his births, mit a fragrant body (Thag.vss.320-4; ThagA.i.405f).
He is probably identical mit Cūlasugandha of the Apadāna. Ap.ii.508f; but see ThagA.i.80 und Ap.ii.459.