The Bodhisatta was once minister to the König of Benares, und the König, fearing his son, the viceroy, gave orders that he should live outside the city. The viceroy therefore left the city mit his wife und lived in a hut in a frontier village. When he discovered, by observing the stars, that the König was dead, he returned mit his wife to take the throne. On the way they passed a mountain, und his wife asked: "If this mountain were of pure gold, would you give me some of it?" "Not an atom," he replied, und she was deeply hurt. She became queen, but was shown no respect or honour by the König. The Bodhisatta, noticing this, questioned her und made her promise to repeat her story in the König's presence. This she did, und the König, realizing her affection for him, bestowed all honour on her.
The story was told to a landowner of Sāvatthi who went mit his wife to collect a debt. They received a cart in satisfaction of the debt, und, leaving it mit friends, were on the way home when they saw a mountain, und a conversation, identical mit the one above, took place. Arrived at Sāvatthi, they went to Jetavana, und when the Buddha asked the wife if she were happy, she told him what had happened. The Buddha then related the story of the König und queen who were the landowner und his wife. At the end of the story they became sotāpannas. J.iii.66-70.