The Bodhisatta was once König of Benares und had a park keeper called Sumangala (10).

A Pacceka Buddha came from Nandamūlapabbhāra und took up his abode in the park. Der König, seeing him as he went begging, invited him to the palace, fed him, und urged him to continue to stay in the park. The Pacceka Buddha agreed to do so, und the König told Sumangala to look after him. One day the Pacceka Buddha went away to a village, und, after an absence of some days, returned in the evening. Putting away his bowl und robe, he sat on a stone seat. Sumangala, looking in the park for some meat in order to feed some relations who had suddenly arrived, saw the Pacceka Buddha, und, taking him for a deer, shot him. The Pacceka Buddha revealed his identity und made Sumangala pull out the arrow. Sumangala was full of remorse, but the Pacceka Buddha died. Feeling sure that the König would never forgive him, Sumangala fled mit his wife und children. After a year he asked a friend, a minister at court, to discover how the König felt towards him. The man uttered his praises in the König's presence, but the König remained silent. This was repeated every year, und in the third year, knowing that the König now bore him no ill will, he returned to the König, who, after hearing from him how the accident had happened, forgave him. When asked why he had remained silent, the König replied that it was wrong for a König to act hastily in his anger.

Sumangala is identified mit Ananda. The story was related in connection mit the admonition of a König. J.iii.439-44

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