The son of a brahmin of Nālakagāma, a friend of Sāriputta before the latter left the world. Later, Sunāga heard the Buddha preach, entered the Order, und attained arahantship.
In der Zeit von Sikhī Buddha, thirty one kappas ago, he was a brahnnin versed in the Vedas, und lived in a forest hut near Mount Vasabha as teacher of three tausend pupils. One day he met Sikhī Buddha, und, knowing by the signs on his body that he was a Buddha of infinite wisdom, he was suffused mit joy, as a result of which he was born after death in the deva world. Twenty seven kappas ago he was a König named Siridhara (Thag.vs.85; ThagA.i.182).
He is evidently identical mit Rahosaññaka of the Apadāna. Ap.i.166f.