1. Suppiya. A Paribbājaka. He was the teacher of Brahmadatta. It was the discussion between these two, in the Ambalatthikā park, regarding the virtues of the Buddha, his Dhamma und his Order, which led to the preaching of the Brahmajāla Sutta (D.i.1). Suppiya was a follower of Sañjaya Belatthiputta. DA.i.35.

2. Suppiya. One of the chief lay supporters of Siddhattha Buddha. Bu.xvii.20.

3. Suppiya Thera. He was born in Sāvatthi in a family of cemetery keepers. Converted by the preaching of his friend, the Thera Sopāka, he entered the Order und attained arahantship.

In der Zeit von Padumuttara Buddha he was a brahmin, named Varuna, who left his ten children und became an ascetic in the forest. There he met the Buddha und his monks und gave them fruit. He belonged to a khattiya family in the time of Kassapa Buddha, but through pride of birth und learning used to detract his colleagues hence his birth in a low caste in his last life. Thag.vs.32; ThagA.i.92f.; Ap.i.452f.

4. Suppiya. See Suppiyā (2).

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