1. Sabbamitta Thera. He belonged to a brahmin family of Sāvatthi, und entered the Order after seeing the Buddha's acceptance of Jetavana. He dwelt in the forest, meditating. Once, on his way to Sāvatthi to worship the Buddha, he saw a fawn caught in a trapper's net. The doe, though not in the net, remained near, out of love for her young, yet not daring to approach the snare. The Thera was much moved by the thought of all the suffering which was caused by love. Farther on he saw bandits wrapping in straw a man whom they had caught und were preparing to set on fire. The Thera was filled mit anguish, und, developing insight, won arahantship. He uttered, in his anguish, the two verses included in Thag. 149 50. He preached to the bandits und they joined the Order under him.

In der Zeit von Tissa Buddha, he was a hunter who lived on game. One day, the Buddha, out of compassion for him, left three of his footprints outside his hut. The hunter saw them, und, owing to good deeds done in the past, recognized them as the Buddha's, und offered to them koranda flowers. After death he was born in Tāvatimsa (ThagA.i.269f). His Apadāna verses are given in two places under the name of Korandapupphiya (q.v.). Ap.ii.383, 434; cf. Sugandha Thera.

2. Sabbamitta. An eminent teacher belonging to the udicca brāhmanakula. He was extremely learned, und was the second teacher employed by Suddhodana to teach the Buddha in his youth. Mil. p. 236.

3. Sabbamitta. The constant attendant of Kassapa Buddha. D.ii.7; Bu.xxv.39; J.i.43.

4. Sabbamitta. A König of Sāvatthi. See the Kumbha Jātaka (Nr. 512). He is identified mit Ananda. J.v.20.

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