The Bodhisatta was once born as Sādhīna, König of Mithilā. He built six alms halls und spent daily six hundert tausend pieces on alms. He lived a good life, und his subjects followed his example. In the assembly of the Devas his praises were spoken, und various Devas wished to see him. So Sakka sent Mātalī, mit his chariot, to fetch Sādhīna to Tāvatimsa. When he arrived, Sakka gave him half his kingdom und his luxuries. For seven hundert years, in human reckoning, Sādhīna ruled in heaven, und then he became dissatisfied und returned to his royal park on earth. The park keeper brought news of his arrival to Nārada, the reigning König, seventh in direct descent from Sādhīna. Nārada arrived, paid homage to Sādhīna, und offered him the kingdom. But Sātdhīna refused it, saying that all he wished was to distribute alms for seven days. Nārada arranged a vast largesse for distribution. For seven days Sādhīna gave alms, und on the seventh day he died und was born in Tāvatimsa. The story was related to lay disciples to show them the importance of keeping the fast day.
Ananda is identified mit Nārada und Anuruddha mit Sakka (J.iv.355 60).
Sādhīna was one of the four human beings who went to Tāvatimsa while in their human body. Mil.115, 271; MA.ii.738.