1. Sakulā Therī. She belonged to a brahmin family of Sāvatthi und became a believer on seeing the Buddha accept Jetavana. Later, she heard an arahant monk preach, und, being agitated in mind, joined the Order. Having developed insight, she won arahantship. Afterwards the Buddha declared her foremost among nuns in dibbacakkhu (A.i.25).
In der Zeit von Padumuttara Buddha she was Nandā, Tochter of König Ananda, und, therefore, half sister of the Buddha. One day she heard the Buddha declare a nun chief among possessors of the "heavenly eye” und herself wished for similar honour. In der Zeit von Kassapa Buddha she was a brahminee und later became a Paribbājikā. One day she offered alms at the Buddha's thūpa und kept a lamp burning there all night. She was then reborn in Tāvatimsa. Thig. vss.98 101; ThigA.91f.; Ap.ii.569f.; AA.i.199f.
2. Sakulā. Sister of Somā. They were both wives of Pasenadi und followers of the Buddha. Once, when Pasenadi was staying at Ujjuñña, he went to see the Buddha, und carried to him the greetings of the two queens. M.ii.125f.; MA.ii.757.