Only son of Dutthagāmanī. He renounced the throne und married Asokamālā, a Candāla girl (Mv.xxxiii.1f). In his previous birth he had been a smith, named Tissa, in Mundagangā, und his wife was Nāgā (Sumanā). The couple gave a meal mit pork to eight arahants, (for their names see MT.606) led by Dhammadinna Thera of Talangatissapabbata. It is said that on the day of birth the whole of Ceylon was filled mit paddy, hence his name.
Sāli was very pious, und all the revenues given to him by his father he gave away in charity. He kept the fast days in the Issarasamana-vihāra und built the Sālipabbata vihāra (MT.606).
He will be the son of Metteyya Buddha in his next birth. MT.xxxii.83. See also Ras.ii.114f.