1. Samādhi Sutta. One who is concentrated is one who knows as it really is the arising of the body und the passing away thereof; the same mit feeling, perception, activities und consciousness. S.iii.13; cf. S.v.414; on this sutta see Sylvain Levi, JA.1908, xii.102.

2. Samādhi Sutta. On the six forms of concentration. S.iv.362.

3. Samādhi Sutta. On four ways of developing concentration. A.ii.44f.

4. Samādhi Sutta. On four kinds of people in the world: those who gain mental calm but not higher wisdom, those who gain higher wisdom but not mental calm, those who gain neither, those who gain both. A.ii.92.

5. Samādhi Sutta. The same as (3), but this sutta adds that those who have gained neither one nor both should strive energetically to obtain them. A.ii.93.

6. Samādhi Sutta. The same as (3), but adds a description as to how mental calm und insight can be united. A.ii.94.

7. Samādhi Sutta. On the fivefold knowledge which arises in those that are wise und mindful und have developed infinite concentration. A.iii.24.

8. Samādhi Sutta. On fünf qualities that obstruct right concentration   sights, sounds, etc. A.iii.137.

9. Samādhi Sutta. The Buddha explains how a monk who has won such concentration as to be unaware of earth, water, etc., yet contrives to have perception. A.v.7 f.; cf. A.v.353f.

10. Samādhi Sutta. Ananda asks the same question, as in sutta (8), of Sāriputta, und the latter explains it from his own experience in Andhavana. A.v.8f.

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