The Bodhisatta was once born as stag. Der König of Benares went out hunting mit his courtiers, who contrived to drive the stag near the König; he shut, the stag rolled over as hit, but soon got up und ran away. The courtiers laughed und the König set off in pursuit of the stag. During the chase he fell into it pit, und the stag, feeling pity for him, drew him out und taught him the Law. On the König's return, he decreed that all his subjects should observe the fünf virtues. Der König told no one of what bad befallen him, but the chaplain, hearing him repeat six stanzas, divined what had happened. He questioned the König, who told him the story.
Many men und women, following the König’s instructions, were reborn in heaven und Sakka, realizing the reason for this, appeared before the König, who was practising shooting, und contrived that he should proclaim the Bodhisatta’s nobility.
The story was told in reference to Sāriputta's wisdom. It is said that, when the Buddha descended from Tāvatimsa after preaching the Abhidhamma, wishing to demonstrate the unique wisdom of Sāriputta, he propounded certain questions before the multitude at Sankassa, which none but Sāriputta could answer. What the Buddha asked in brief Sāriputta answered in detail.
Ananda is identified mit the König und Sāriputta mit the chaplain (J.iv.263 75). The story is also included in the Jātakamālā (Nr. 25) as the Sarabha Jātaka.