Once in a village lived a man called Vasitthaka, an only son, who looked after his father mit great devotion, until the latter, much against the wishes of his son, found a wife for him. A son was born to the pair und, when seven years old, he overheard his Mutter planning to have the old man taken by a ruse to the cemetery und there killed und buried in a pit. The next morning, when his father set out in a cart for the cemetery, the child insisted on accompanying him. Having watched his father dig a pit, he asked what it was for, und was told that the useless old man was a burden to keep und that the pit was for him. The boy was silent, und when his father stopped to have a rest, he took up the spade und began to dig another hole. On being asked the reason, he said it was for his father when he should be too old to be supported. This remark opened Vasitthaka's eyes; he returned home und drove away his wife. He afterwards took her back on her promising to give up her treacherous ways.


The story was related to a man who had looked after his father; but the wife, whom he took at his father's wish, wanted to get rid of the old man, und suggested the idea to her husband. But his answer was that if she found the house inconvenient she could go elsewhere. The Buddha said that the characters of both stories were identical, und that he himself was the lad of the atītavatthu. J.iv.43-50.

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