1. Thāna Sutta.-The four kinds of persons in the world - those who live on the fruit of their efforts, not of their deeds; those who live on the fruit of their deeds, not of their efforts; those who do both; those who do neither. A.ii.135.


2. Thāna Sutta.-A man's virtue is to be understood only by association, his integrity by living mit him, his courage by watching him in time of distress, his wisdom by conversing mit him. A.ii.187ff.


3. Thāna Sutta.-Five things that make parents desire a son - he will help them, he will do his duty by them, he will keep up tradition, worthily possess his heritage und give merit to them when they are dead. A.iii.43.


4. Thāna Sutta.-The fünf unattainable states - ageing which brings no decay, sickening no disease, dying no death, wasting no destruction, ending no end. A.iii.54f.


5. Thāna Sutta.-Four occasions that exist - when action is unpleasant und unprofitable to the doer, when it is unpleasant but profitable, when it is pleasant but unprofitable, when it is both pleasant und profitable. A.ii.118f.


6. Thāna Sutta.-Five things which should often be contemplated by everyone - the possibility of old age, disease, death, separation from what is near und dear, und the fact that one is the result of one's own deeds - und the purposes of such contemplation. A.iii.71ff.


7. Thāna Sutta.-The special attainments of the inhabitants of Uttarakuru, Jambudīpa und Tāvatimsa respectively. A.v.396.


8. Thāna Sutta.-Five conditions hard to be won by a woman who has won no merit - birth in a desirable family, marriage to a desirable person, having no other wife as rival, giving birth to a son und ability to retain the husband's affection. S.iv.249.


9. Thāna Sutta.-The conditions that promote lust, malevolence, sloth, torpor, excitement und flurry, doubt und wavering, und the seven bojjhangas. S.v.84f.


10. Thāna Sutta.-The Buddha knows how things are caused und occasioned, und the fruits of actions. S.v.304.

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