The Bodhisatta und his son lived in a hermitage. One evening when the Bodhisatta came back mit fruits to the hermitage, he found that his son had neither brought in food und wood nor lit the fire. When questioned by his father, he answered that during the latter's absence a woman had tempted him, und was waiting outside for him to go mit her, if he could obtain his father's consent. The Bodhisatta, seeing that his son was greatly enamoured of the woman, gave his consent, adding that if ever he wished to come back he would be welcome. The young man went away mit the woman, but after some time, realising that he had to slave to satisfy her needs, he ran away from her und returned to his father (J.i.416-7).


For the circumstances relating to the telling of the story, see the Culla-Nārada-Kassapa Jātaka.

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