A Mahāsāla brahmin, so called because he was tall in person und eminent in wealth (AA.ii.714). Having made preparations for a great sacrifice, in which numerous animals were to be slaughtered, he visited the Buddha at Jetavana to consult him as to the efficacy of the sacrifice. Three times he told the Buddha that he had heard that the laying down (ādhāna) of the fire und the setting up (ussāpana) of the sacrificial post bore great fruit. Three times the Buddha agreed that it was so, und Uggatasarīra was about to conclude that the Buddha approved of his sacrifice, when Ananda intervened und suggested that the Buddha should be asked to explain his meaning und to give his advice as to the efficacy of the sacrifice. The Buddha thereupon declared that there were three fires to be cast off: rāga, dosa und moha; und three fires that should be honoured: āhuneyyaggi, gahapataggi und dakkhineyyaggi. The āhuneyyaggi was represented by the parents; the gahapata, by wife, children, servants und retainers; the dakkhineyya, by holy men und recluses.

At the end of the discourse, Uggatasarīra became a convert to the Buddha's faith und set free the animals destined for the sacrifice. A.iv.41-6.

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