1. Ujjaya Sutta.-Records the questions asked by the brahmin Ujjaya regarding sacrifice, und the Buddha's answer. See above Ujjaya 3. A.ii.42.


2. Ujjaya Sutta.-Ujjaya's request to the Buddha (referred to above under Ujjaya 3) for a teaching which would bring him welfare in both worlds und the Buddha's reply thereto, detailing four qualities which would bring prosperity in this world - the accomplishments of exertion (utthānasampādā), und of protection (ārakkhasampadā), friendship mit the good (kalyānamittatā), und regular living (samajīvitā) - und four others for bringing happiness in the next - viz., the four sampadā (accomplishments) of sīla (morality), citta (concentration und meditation), cāga (generosity), und paññā (higher wisdom). A.iv.285-9.

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