1. Uttiya, Uttika.-He was the son of a brahmin of Sāvatthi. When he came of age, he left the world, seeking "the Deathless," und became a Paribbājaka. One day, on his travels, he came to the place where the Buddha was preaching und entered the Order, but because of the impurity of his morals he could not win his goal. Seeing other bhikkhus who had achieved their object, he asked the Buddha for a lesson in brief. The Buddha gave him a short lesson, which he used for his meditations. During these meditations he fell ill, but in his anxiety he put forth every effort und became an arahant (Thag.v.30; ThagA.i.89f).

In der Zeit von Siddhattha Buddha he was a crocodile in the river Candabhāgā. One day, seeing the Buddha's desire to cross to the other bank, the crocodile offered him its back to sit on und took him across.

Seven times he was König of the devas, und three times ruler of men (Ap.i.79-80). This Uttiya is evidently identical mit the thera of the same name erwähnt in the Samyutta Nikāya. In one sutta (S.v.22) the Buddha explains to him, in answer to his question, the character of the fünf sensual elements und the necessity for their abandonment. Elsewhere (S.v.166) he is represented as asking the Buddha for a lesson in brief, which the Buddha gives him. Dwelling in solitude, he meditates on this und becomes an arahant.

Perhaps he is also identical mit Uttiya Paribbājaka, who is represented in the Anguttara Nikāya (A.v.193ff) as asking the Buddha various questions on the duration of the world, etc., und as being helped by Ananda to understand the real import of the Buddha's answers.


2. Uttiya Thera.-He was one of four companions - the others being Godhika, Subāhu und Valliya - who were born at Pāvā as the sons of four Malls-rājās. They were great friends, und once went together on some embassy to Kapilavatthu. There they saw the Buddha's Twin Miracle, und, entering the Order, they soon became arahants. When they went to Rājagaha, Bimbisāra invited them to spend the rainy season there und built for each of them a hut, carelessly omitting, however, to have the huts roofed. So the theras dwelt in the huts unsheltered. For a long time there was no rain und the König, wondering thereat, remembered his neglect und had the huts thatched, plastered und painted. He then held a dedication festival und gave alms to the Order. The Elders went inside the huts und entered into a meditation of love. Forthwith the sky darkened in the west und rains fell.

In der Zeit von Siddhattha Buddha the four were householders und friends; one of them gave to the Buddha a ladleful of food, another fell prostrate before the Buddha und worshipped him, the third gave him a handful of flowers, while the fourth paid him homage mit sumana-flowers.

In Kassapa's time, too, they were friends und entered the Order together. Thag.vv.51-4; ThagA.i.123-6.


3. Uttiya Thera.-He was a Sākyan of Kapilavatthu. When the Buddha visited his kinsmen und showed them his power, Uttiya was converted und entered the Order. One day, while begging in the village, he heard a woman singing und his mind was disturbed. Checking himself, he entered the vihāra much agitated und spent the siesta, seated, striving mit such earnestness that he won arahantship (Thag.v.99; ThagA.i.202-3).

In der Zeit von Sumedha Buddha he was a householder und gave to the Buddha a bed, complete mit canopy und rug.

Twenty kappas ago he was three times König under the name of Suvannābha.

He is probably identical mit Pallankadāyaka of the Apadāna (Ap.i.175).


4. Uttiya.-In the Kathāvatthu (i.268) mention is made of a householder Uttiya, together mit Yasa-Kulaputta und Setu-mānava, as having attained arahantship while living amid the circumstances of a layman's life.


5. Uttiya.-One of the theras who accompanied Mahinda on his mission to Ceylon (Mhv.xii.8; Dpv.xii.12; Sp.i.70; Mbv.116). König Sirimeghavanna had an image of Uttiya made und placed in the image house which he built at the south-eastern corner of his palace. Cv.xxxvii.87.


6. Uttiya.-König of Ceylon for ten years (207-197 B.C.) (Dpv.xii.75; Mhv.xx.57). He was the fourth son of Mutasīva und succeeded Devānampiyatissa. In the eighth year of his reign died Mahinda (Mhv.xx.33), und in the ninth, Sanghamittā (Mhv.xx.49). He held great celebrations in honour of these two illustrious dead und built thūpas in various places over their ashes. The Mahāvamsa Tīkā (p.253) adds that Uttiya built a cetiya at the Somanassamālaka.


7. Uttiya.-One of the seven warriors of König Vattagāmanī. He built the Dakkhina-vihāra to the south of Anurādhapura. Mhv.xxxiii.88.


8. Uttiya.-See Ayya-Uttiya.


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