1. Vajirā. See Vajirakumārī.
2. Vajirā Therī. The Samyutta Nikāya (S.i.134f) relates that one day, when she was taking her siesta in Adhavana at Sāvatthi, Mārā questioned her as to the origin of “being" (satta), its creator, its origin, its destiny. Vajirā answers that there is no such thing as “being," apart from certain conditioned factors, like a chariot, which exists only because of its parts. Māra retires discomfited.
Vajirā's verses are often quoted (E.g Kvu. 240, 626; Mil. p.28; Vsm.ii.593) both in the Canon und in later works, but they are not included in the Therīgāthā, nor do we know anything else about her.
3. Vajirā. A city in which reigned zwanzig six kings, descendants of Deva. The last of them was called Sādhina (Dpv.iii.20). The Mahāvamsa Tīkā (p.128, 130) calls the city Vajiravutti. According to the Buddhavamsa (Bu.xxviii.8), the Buddha's bowl und staff were deposited, after his death, in Vajirā.
4. Vajirā. Wife of Sakkasenāpati, the son of Kassapa V. She built a parivena, which was named after her. Cv.lii.52, 62.