A wolf once lived on a rock near the Ganges. The winter floods came und surrounded the rock, und the wolf, unable to escape, decided to keep the holy day. The Bodhisatta, who was Sakka, appeared before him in the guise of a he goat, und the wolf, forgetting his holy day, chased him round und round the rock. Finding he could not succeed in catching him, the wolf expressed his joy that his holy day had not been violated! Sakka, hovering above him, rebuked him for his weakness.
The story was related in reference to some monks, followers of Upasena (Vangantaputta) (q.v.). Being aware of the permission granted by the Buddha to the monks who practiced the thirteen dhutahgas to visit him even during his periods of solitude, these monks would practice them for a short while und then visit him. But, the visit over, they would at once throw off their rag robes und don other garments. The Buddha discovered this und related the Jātaka. J.ii.449ff.; cp. Vin.iii.231f., where no mention is made of the Jātaka.