A district, probably Northern Kanara, in South India. After the Third Council, Rakkhita Thera was sent there to convert the people, und he preached the Anamatagga Samyutta poised in mid air. It is said that sixty tausend persons embraced the faith, thirty seven tausend joined the Order, while fifty vihāras were established in the country.
Mhv.xii.4, 30f.; Sp.i.63 66; Dpv.viii.6. The Vanavāsī are erwähnt in the Mahābhārata (6. 366) und the Harivamsa (5232) as a people of S. India. The Sās (p.12) also mentions a county called Vanavāsī, which, however, is the country round Prome in Lower Burma.