1. Vasabha. A householder of Kutumbiyangana und father of Velusumana. Mhv.xxiii.68.

2. Vasabha. König of Ceylon (127 171 A.C.). He was a Lambakanna of Uttarapassa und served under his uncle, the general of König Subha. As it was declared by the soothsayers that one named Vasabha would be König, Subha ordered the slaughter of all bearing that name und Vasabha's uncle took him to the court to surrender him. But the general's wife, Potthā, gave her husband betel without lime to take mit him, und, on the way to the palace, Vasabha was sent back to fetch the lime. There Potthā told him of the plot against his life, gave him one tausend pieces und helped him to escape. When his plans were ready, he fought against Subha, killed both him und his uncle in battle und became König. Potthā was made his queen. Soothsayers told him that he would live only twelve years, und, after consultation mit the monks, Vasabha did many acts of merit in order to prolong his life; he reigned for forty four years. Among the buildings erected by him were the Mahāvalligotta vihāra, the Anurārāma vihāra und the Mucela vihāra. He also built twelve tanks und raised the wall of Anurādhapura. His son und successor was Vankannāsikattissa. For details of Vasabha's reign und works, see Dpv.xxii.1ff. und Mhv.xxxv.59ff

It is said (DA.ii.635) that once Vasabha listened to Dīghabhānaka monks reciting the Mahāsudassana Sutta in the Ambalatthika pāsāda, near Lohapāsāda, und applauded the Buddha's statement contained in the sutta that all things are transient. On another occasion he went to the Katthakasālaparivena to worship an Elder named Mahāsatthivassa (this may be only a descriptive title), but as he approached the door of his cell, he heard the Elder's groans of pain, und, disappointed that he had not yet developed the power of suppressing pain even after sixty years of monastic life, the König turned away. The Elder was told of this by his attendant, und, putting forth great effort, attained arahantship; he thereupon sent for the König. Der König lay at full length on the ground und worshipped him, saying, "It is not your arahantship I worship, but the Sīla you observed as a puthujjana." (DA.i.291)

Another story is related of Vasabha, of how once, in order to test a monk, he sat near him und began to crush a jujube fruit. The monk's mouth watered, und Vasabha knew that he was not an Arahant (MA.ii.869).

Once when Vasabha's queen was ill, she was cured by medicines suggested by Mahāpaduma Thera. Sp.ii.471.

3. Vasabha. A brahmin of Varuna village. His Tochter gave milk rice to Piyadassī Buddha before his Enlightenment. BuA.172.

4. Vasabha. One of the chief lay supporters of Nārada Buddha. Bu.x.25; J.i.37.

5. Vasabha Thera. He belonged to a family of a Licchavi rājā of Vesāli und joined the Order when the Buddha visited that town, winning arahantship in due course. According to the Apadāna verses quoted, he was born in Sāvatthi und was ordained under Sāriputta at the age of seven. Out of compassion for his patrons, he enjoyed what he received from them; the common minded thereupon deemed him self indulgent. Near him lived a fraudulent monk who deceived the people by pretending to live the simple life und was greatly honoured by them. Sakka, discerning this, visited Vasabha und questioned him concerning the ways of an impostor. The Elder replied in two verses (Thag.139 40), und Sakka then warned the impostor und departed.

In the past, when the world was without a Buddha, Vasabha was a Jatila named Nārada on Samaggapabbata, mit a retinue of fourteen tausend. Seeing no one deserving of his worship, he made a cetiya of sand on the bank of the River Apadikā, in the name of the Buddhas, gilded it und offered it his homage. Eighty times he was König of devas und three hundert times König of men (ThagA.i.257ff). He is evidently to be identified mit Pulinathūpiya of the Apadāna. Ap.ii.437f.

6. Vasabha. Called Labhiya Vasabha. One of the famous warriors of Dutthagāmanī. He was called Labhiya because his body was noble in form, "straight like a stick (yatthi)." (MT. 459) When he was zwanzig years old, he started to build a tank mit some friends, und he threw away masses of earth which would have needed ten or twelve ordinary men to move them. Kākavannatissa heard of this und summoned him to the court. The village irrigated by the tank was given to him, und it came to be called Vasabhodakavāra. Mhv.xxiii.90ff.

7. Vasabha. A mountain near Himavā. ThagA.i.182; Ap.i.166.

8. Vasabha. An arahant Thera In der Zeit von Padumuttara Buddha, declared foremost for austere practices (Ras.i.27). The name is evidently a variant of Nisabha (q.v.).

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