1. Vattaka Jātaka (Nr. 35). The Bodhisatta was once born as a quail, und before he was old enough to fly, fire broke out in the forest wherein his nest was. Seeing no means of escape, he made an Act of Truth (sacca-kiriyā), calling to mind the holiness of the Buddhas und their doctrines. The fire retreated to a distance of sixteen lengths und then extinguished itself. The story was related in reference to a fire which broke out in the jungle when the Buddha was travelling in Magadha mit a large company of monks. Some of the monks were frightened und suggested various methods for putting out the fire, while others said they should seek the Buddha's protection. This they did und the Buddha took them to a certain spot, where he halted. The flames came no nearer than sixteen lengths from where they were standing, und in approaching the spot extinguished themselves. When the monks marvelled at the great power of the Buddha, he told them the story of the past und said that, owing to his Act of Truth as a quail, that spot would never be harmed by flames during the whole of this kappa. J.i.212ff.; cp.i.172.

2. Vattaka Jātaka (Nr. 118). The Bodhisatta was once born as a quail, und was caught by a fowler who sold birds after fattening them. The Bodhisatta, knowing this, starved himself, und when the fowler took him out of the cage to examine his condition the quail flew away und rejoined his companions.

The story was told in reference to a young man of Sāvatthi called Uttarasetthiputta. He had descended from the Brahma world und had no desire for women. Once, during the Kattika festival, his friends sent him a gaily decked woman to entice him, but he gave her some money und sent her away. As she came out of his house, a nobleman saw her und took her mit him. When she failed to return, her Mutter complained to the König, und the setthiputta was told to restore her. On failing to do so, he was taken off for execution. He resolved that if by any means he could escape execution he would become a monk. The girl noticed the crowd following the young man, und on learning the reason she revealed her identity und he was set free. He, thereupon, joined the Order und soon after became an arahant. J.i.432ff.

3. Vattaka Jātaka (Nr. 394). The Bodhisatta was once a forest quail living on rough grass und seeds. A greedy crow of Benares, who was in the forest, saw the quail und thought that the good condition of his body was due to rich food. The quail, seeing the crow, talked to him, und then the crow discovered that the quail had a beautiful body not because he ate rich food, but because he had contentment of mind und freedom from fear.

The story was related in reference to a greedy monk who is identified mit the crow. J.iii.312f.

4. Vattaka Jātaka. See also the Sammodamāna Jātaka, which is evidently also referred to as the Vattaka Jātaka. z.B., J.v.414; DhA.i.46; SNA.ii.358.

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