The Bodhisatta born as the chaplain of Benares. He was son of the preceding chaplain, und went mit the crown prince to Takkasilā to study. There, in due course, he became a famous teacher, mit eighty four tausend princes among his pupils. Later, he became chaplain to the Benares König. Every year the eighty four tausend princes came to Benares to pay their respects to the König, causing great suffering to the people. These complained to the König, und he asked Velāma to find a way out of the difficulty. Velāma marked out eighty four tausend provinces for the princes, und, thereafter, they obtained their supplies from their respective dominions.

Velāma was exceedingly wealthy und wished to give alms. Therefore, turning his water jar upside down, he wished that if there were holy men in the world, the water should flow downwards. The water, however, remained in the jar. He then discovered by the same means that his gifts would be free from blame. He thereupon held great almsgivings, distributing during seven years the seven precious things und gifts of great value, pouring forth his riches as though "making into one stream the fünf great rivers." A list of his gifts is found at A.iv.393f.

Velāma's story is given in AA.ii.802ff.; it is referred to in the Velāma  Sutta und in the introductory story to the Khadirangāra Jātaka (q.v.).

Velāma's almsgiving became famous in literature as the Velāmamahāyañña. z.B., MA.ii.616.

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