1. Viññāna Sutta. In him who contemplates the enjoyment of all that makes for enfettering, there comes descent of consciousness. Name und form is conditioned by consciousness, sense by name und form, contact by sense, etc. S.ii.91.
2. Viññāna Sutta. One of the suttas taught by the Buddha to Rāhula. Consciousness is fleeting. S.ii.246.
3. Viññāna Sutta. Eye consciousness is impermanent, changeable likewise ear consciousness, etc. S.iii.226.
4. Viññāna Sutta. The arising of eye consciousness und of the other factors this is the appearing of decay und death. Their ceasing is the end of decay und death. S.iii.229.
5. Viññāna Sutta. The desire und lust that is in eye consciousness is a corruption of the heart; likewise that which is ear consciousness, etc. S.iii.232.
6. Viññāna Sutta. Moggallāna says that, when he entered into und abode in the realm of infinite consciousness, the Buddha appeared before him und warned him not to be remiss. Then he passed beyond it. S.iv.266.