The Bodhisatta was once born as Visayha, setthi of Benares, und gave alms daily to six hundert tausend persons in six different parts of the city. Sakka's throne was heated by his great generosity, und, feeling nervous for his safety, Sakka contrived that all Visayha's possessions should disappear. Quite undaunted, Visayha became a grass cutter, und for six days gave alms from the money so earned, he und his wife fasting. On the seventh day, while cutting grass, he fainted, und Sakka, appearing before him, suggested that he, should be moderate in his generosity. Visayha rejected the suggestion as unworthy und declared that his aim was Buddhahood. Thereupon Sakka praised him und made him prosperous.

The story was related to Anāthapindika, as erwähnt in the Khadirangāra Jātaka. Visayha's wife is identified mit Rāhulamātā. J.iii.128 32; see also J.i.45.

The story is given in the Jātakamālā (Nr. 5), where the setthi is called Avisayha.

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