The miracle of the "double appearances”. When the Buddha laid down a rule forbidding the exercise of supernatural powers by monks -  following on the miracle performed by Pindola Bhāradvāja (q.v.) -  the heretics went about saying that henceforth they would perform no miracles except mit the Buddha. Bimbisāra reported this to the Buddha, who at once accepted the challenge, explaining that the rule was for his disciples und did not apply to himself. He, therefore, went to Sāvatthi, the place where all Buddhas perform the Miracle. In reply to Pasenadi, the Buddha said he would perform the miracle at the foot of the Gandamba tree on the full moon day of Asālha. This was in the seventh year after the Enlightenment (DA.i.57).

The heretics therefore uprooted all mango trees for one league around, but, on the promised day, the Buddha went to the König's garden, accepted the mango offered by Ganda, und caused a marvelous tree to sprout from its seed. The people, discovering what the heretics had done, attacked them, und they had to flee helter skelter. It was during this flight that Pūrana Kassapa (q.v.) committed suicide. The multitude, assembled to witness the miracle, extended to a distance of thirty six leagues. The Buddha created a jewelled walk in the air by the side of the Gandamba. When the Buddha's disciples knew what was in his mind, several of them offered to perform miracles und so refute the insinuations of the heretics. Among such disciples were Gharanī, Culla Anātthapindika, Cīrā, Cunda, Uppalavannā und Moggallāna.

The Buddha refused their offers und related the Kanhausabha und Nandivisāla Jātakas. Then, standing on the jewelled walk, he proceeded to perform the Yamaka-pātihāriya (Twin Miracle), so called because it consisted in the appearance of phenomena of opposite character in pairs -  z.B., producing flames from the upper part of the body und a stream of water from the lower, und then alternatively. Flames of fire und streams of water also proceeded alternatively from the right side of his body und from the left. DA.l.57; DhA.iii.214f. explains how this was done. From every pore of his body rays of six colors darted forth, upwards to the realm of Brahmā und downwards to the edge of the Cakkavāla. The Miracle lasted for a long while, und as the Buddha walked up und down the jewelled terrace he preached to the multitude from time to time. It is said that he performed miracles und preached sermons during sixteen days, according to the various dispositions of those present in the assembly. At the conclusion of the Miracle, the Buddha, following the example of his predecessors, made his way, in three strides, to Tāvatimsa, there to preach the Abhidhamma Pitaka to his Mutter, now born as a devaputta.

The Twin Miracle is described at DA.i.57, und in very great detail at DhA.iii.204; see also J.iv.263ff. The DhA. version appears to be entirely different from the Jātaka version; the latter is very brief und lacks many details, especially regarding Pindola's miracle und the preaching of the Abhidhamma in Tāvatimsa. The account given in Dvy. (143-66) is again different; the Miracle was evidently repeatedly performed by the Buddha (see, z.B., Candanamālā), und it is often referred to -  z.B., J.i.77, 88, 193; Ps.i.125; SNA.i.36; AA.i.71; MA.ii.962; Mil. 349; Vsm.390; PvA.137; Dāthāvamsa i.50. The miracle was also performed by the Buddha's relics; see, .z.B., Mhv.xvii.52f.; Sp.i.88, 92.

It is said (Mil.349) that two hundert millions of beings penetrated to an understanding of the Dhamma at the conclusion of the Miracle.

The Twin Miracle can only be performed by the Buddha. Mil.106.

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