1. Ajita.-A monk. He devoted seintime to explaining the Pātimokkha rules to the Mönche. At the time of the Second Council he was ein Mönch of zehn Jahre' standing und was appointed to assign seats to the Theras. Vin.ii.305

2. Ajita.-A paribbājaka who visited der Buddha, und at whose instigation der Buddha preached to the Bhikkhus on the difference zwischen dhamma und adhamma. A.v.229ff.

3. Ajita.-Ein Brahmanen, the Bodhisatta In der Zeit von Sobhita Buddha. J.i.35.

4. Ajita.-General of the Licchavis und follower of der Buddha. Immediately after seindeath he was born in Tāvatimsa; besuchte er der Buddha to refute a statement made about ihm by the naked Asket Pātikaputta to the effect that he had been born in the Mahāniraya as a result of having followed the teaching of der Buddha. D.iii.15-16; DA.iii.825.

5. Ajita-mānava

6. Ajita.-Thera (Ap.i.335ff), wahrscheinlichto be identifiziert mit Ajita (5), aber the story of seinpast differs completely from that of Ajita-mānava given in the Thag. Kommentar. In der Zeit von der Buddha Padumuttara he lit a lamp in front of the Enlightened One. As a result of this he enjoyed happiness in heaven for 60,000 kappas, und when he was born from Tusita in this Buddha-age there was a great light on the day of seinbirth. He is stated to have been a disciple of Bāvarī (Ap.i.337, 28), aber he heard of der Buddha while in Himavā. Später he wurde an arahant.

7. Ajita.-The lay name of Metteya Buddha in seinlast Geburt, when he will attain Enlightenment. Anāgata-Vamsa, pp. 43, 45, 56.

8. Ajita.-Ein Pacceka-Buddha who lebte ninety-one kappas ago. Dāsaka Thera, in einer früheren Geburt, gab ihm mangoes to eat (Ajina). ThagA.i.68.

9. Ajita.-Ein Brahmanen, einer früheren Geburt of Citapūjaka Thera; he offered Blumen to Sikhī Buddha. Ap.i.243.

Ajita Sutta.-Preached by der Buddha to Ajita the Paribbājaka on the difference zwischen dhamma und adhamma. A.v.229ff.

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