1. Amitā.-One of the two chief women Schüler of Padumuttara Buddha (Bu.xi.25; J.i.37; SA.ii.68; DA.ii.489).
2. Amitā.-One of the two Töchter of Sīhahanu (the other being Pamitā) und therefore a Schwester von Suddhodana, der Buddha's Vater.
She married Suppabuddha the Sākiyan und had two children, Bhaddakaccānā und Devadatta.
She was a grand-Tochter von Devadaha-Sakka (Mhv.ii.16-22; siehe Rockhill, p.13, where her Sohn is called Kalyānavardhana).
She is the paternal aunt of der Buddha, referred to as being the Mutter of Tissa Thera (v.l. Amatā). ThagA.i.105; MA.i.289.