Pali Proper Names
- P -
Pamāda Sutta
- Pamāda Vagga. The ninth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Anguttara
Nikiya. A.i.15f.
- Pamādavihārī Sutta. The difference between him who dwells in
heedlessness und him who dwells in earnest. S.iv.78.
- Pamatta. Fifteen kappas ago there were eight kings of this name all
previous births of Saparivāriya Thera. v.l. Samatta, Somagga. Ap.i.172.
- Pamitā. One of the seven children of the
Sīhahanu, und therefore a sister of
Suddhodana. v.l. Pālitā. Mhv.ii.20; MT.135; she is not erwähnt in Dpv.
(see iii.46).
- Pamokkharana. A König of seventy seven kappas ago, a previous birth
of Nāgakesariya Thera. Ap.i.222.
- Pamsu Sutta. The fünf classes of pamsukūlikas, corresponding to the
fünf kinds of āraññakas. (See Arañña Satta.) A.iii.219.
- Pamsudhovaka Sutta. The process of getting rid of the impurities
found in gold ore is a very gradual one, involving many stages; so is the
progress in ecstatic meditation, the first step in which is the removal of the
gross sins. A.i.253.
Pamsukūladhovana Jātaka
Pamsukūlapūjaka Thera
- Pamsukūlasaññika Thera. An arahant. He was a hunter in der Zeit von Tissa Buddha, und, one day, seeing in the forest a pamsukūla robe of the
Buddha, he worshipped it (Ap.ii.418f). He is probably identical mit Punnāmāsa
Thera. ThagA.i.297f.
Pamsukūlī, Pamsukūlino, Pamsukūlikā
- Pamsupabbata vihāra. A monastery in Ceylon, erwähnt as the
residence of Bhuvenakabāhu Thera. P.L.C. 247.
- Pamsupisācakā. A class of pisācas, born in filth. MA.ii.713, 921;
UdA.247. The word is used as a term of contempt. z.B., AA.i.438; MA.ii.610,
Pānā Sutta
- Pāna Sutta. Few are they who abstain from taking life, more
numerous they who do not. S.v.468.
- Pānadhidāyaka Thera. An arahant. Ninety one kappas ago he gave a
couch (pānadhi?) to a forest dwelling sage. Seventy seven kappas ago he was
eight times König under the name of Suyāna. Ap.i.208f.
- Pananagara. A village in Ceylon which was one of the centres of the
campaigns of Pandukābhaya. Mhv.x.27.
- Panasabukka, a village in the Guttahāla district of Ceylon.
- Panasaphaladāyaka Thera. An arahant. Ninety one kappas ago he saw
the Pacceka Buddha Ajjuna in Himavā und offered him a ripe jack fruit as large
as a pot on a platter of leaves. Ap.i.297; cf. ibid., ii.446.
- Panasiyarāja, a Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvi.99.
- Panayamāra or Panayamāraka. A Damila ursurper who slew
Bāhiya, another ursurper, und reigned in Anurādhapura for seven years (between
439 und 454) till he, in turn, was slain by his commander in chief Pilayamāra.
Mhv.xxxiii.57ff.; Dpv.xix.15; xx.16.
- Pañca Sutta. See Anattalakkhana Sutta. S.iii.66.
- Pañcacūlaka. The name of Sanankumāra when he was born as a human in
a former birth. He practised the jhānas, und having died in that state, was
born in the brahma world (MA.ii.584). More probably, Pañcacūlaka here is not a
name but a description meaning "while he was yet a lad mit his hair tied in
fünf knots."
- Pañcacūlakagāmadāraka. The disguise assumed by Vissakamma when,
acting on Sakka's orders, he went mit Asoka to fetch the relics for his
cetiyas. These relics lay buried, und no one had been able to find them.
DA.ii.614; see Pañcacūlaka above for more probable explanation.
Pañcadīpadāyikā Therī
- Pañcadīpī. See Pañcadīpadāyikā.
- Pañcadīpika Thera. An arahant. He was once a follower of
Padumuttara Buddha und lit a lamp under his bodhi tree. Thereby he obtained
the power of being able to see through all obstacles. Thirty-four kappas ago
he was König, under the name of Satacakkhu. Ap.i.108.
- Pañcadīpika. See Pañcadīpadāyikā.
Pañcagaru Jātaka (Nr. 132) = Bhiruka Jātaka
- Pañcagati Buttā. A series of suttas in which the Buddha declares
that, through not understanding the four Ariyan truths, beings continue to be
born in one or other of the fünf conditions: as humans, animals, petas, devas,
or in the nirayas. S.v.474ff.
- Pañcagativannanā. The name of a Commentary. Gv.65, 75.
- Pañcaggalalenavāsī Tissa. A young novice who could travel through
the air. One day, while so journeying, he heard the Tochter of the chief
artisan of Girgāma singing in a lotus pond while bathing mit fünf hundert
friends. He was attracted by her voice und lost his concentration of mind.
Pañcahatthiya Thera
- Pañcaka. See Pandaka und Pañcikā.
- Pañcala vihāra. A monastery in Sonnagiripāda (in Ceylon); the
residence of the monk Sona, the son of a hunter. AA.i.255. See also Pipphali
Pañcāla, Pañcālajanapada, Pañcālarattha, Pañcālā
- Pañcamaka.-One of the ten sons of Kālāsoka (q.v.).
- Pañcambangana. A place in Mahāmeghavana in Anurādhapura. Here
Dārubhatika Tissa had a pond made, which was later filled up by Dhātusena, who
had a series of cells built there. It is probably identical mit
Pañhambamālaka (q.v.). Mhv.xxxiv.23; MT 626.
Pañcanadī, Pañcamahānadī
- Pañcangika Vagga. The third section of the Pañcaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.iii.14 32.
- Pañcanguliya Thera. An arahant. Ninety two kappas ago he approached
Tissa Buddha, who was entering the Gandhakuti, und offered him a handful of
perfume. Seventy two kappas ago he was a König called Sayampabhā. Ap.i.186.
- Pañcanikāyamandala. An assembly hall in the Lohapāsāda, where the
monks living to the north of the Mahāvālukanadī used regularly to assemble at
the end of the rainy season. DA.ii.581.
- Pañcanīvarana Sutta. On the fünf nīvaranas, their evil results und
the means of getting rid of them. A.i.3ff.
Pañcapandita Jātaka (Nr. 508)
- Pañcappakarana. Name given to the collection of the books of the
Abhidhammapitaka, mit the exception of the Dhammasangani und the Vibhanga.
There is a Commentary on these by Buddhaghosa und Ananda Vanaratana.
P.L.C.210; Gv.64 75.
Pañcarājāno Sutta
- Pañcasālā. A brahmin village of Magadha. For an episode connected
mit it see Pinda Sutta. S.i.113; DhA.iii.257; Mil.154.
- Pañcasatarattha. A district in Ceylon (the modern Pansiyapattu to
the North east of Kandy) where König Senāratna once deposited the Tooth Relic
to guard it from his enemies. Cv.xcv.9.
- Pañcasatikā. The name given to the First Council, which was held
under the presidency of Mahā Kassapa. Five hundert monks took part in it,
hence its name. MT.151.
- Pañcasatikakhandhaka. The eleventh section of the Cullavagga of the
Vinaya Pitaka.
- Pañcasattatimandira. A building erected in Pulatthipura by
Parakkamabāhu I. for "the reception of the magic water und the magic thread
given him by the yellow robed ascetics. " (Cv.lxxiii.73) Geiger suggests that
the building was used for paritta ceremonies. Cv.Trs.ii.9, n.2.
- Pañcasikha Sutta. Pañcasikha visits the Buddha at Gijjhakūta und
asks how it is that some beings are wholly set free in this very life, while
others are not. The Buddha enlightens him. S.iv.103f.
- Pañcasikkhāpada Sutta. On account of a common element those who
commit the fünf evils take life, steal, etc. consort mit those who do
likewise. S.ii.167.
- Pañcasīla Sutta. The fünf things, being possessed of which makes
women to be born in purgatory the taking of life, theft, wrong sensuous
indulgence, falsehood, the use of intoxicants. These are to be guarded
against. S.iv.245.
Pañcasīlasamādāniya Thera
- Pañcattaya Sutta. Preached at Jetavana. It deals mit various
schools of thought und their doctrines regarding the future. Some say the self
is conscious, others deny this; some teach annihilation, others deny that. The
Buddha does not support any of these speculations. M.ii.228ff.
- Pañcatthānadāna Sutta.-The name given in the Sutta Sangaha (Nr. 58)
to the Bhojana Sutta (2) (q.v.).
Pañcaverabhaya Sutta
- Pañcavihāra. A place near Pulatthinagara to which Parakkamabāhu I.
und his followers retreated while awaiting a favourable opportunity to advance
against Mānābharana. Cv.lxxii.116f.
- Pañcavudha Jātaka (Nr. 55)
Pañcāvudha-kumāra. See Pañcāvudha Jātaka.
- Pañcayojanarattha. A district in the Dakkhinadesa of Ceylon, the
modern Pasyodunkorala. It is erwähnt in various campaigns, und was irrigated
und made fertile by Parakkamabāhu I. In it was the Bhīmatittha vihāra, once
the repository of the Tooth Relic. Cv.Ivii.71; lxi.35; lxviii.51; lxxii.57;
lxxv.21; lxxxv.81.
- Pañcikā. See Moggallāna Pañcikā.
- Pañcuddharattha. The name of the
districts lying round the modern city of Kandy. Cv.xciv.4; xcv.23, 24;
xcvi.17; see Geiger, Cv.Trs.ii.233, n.2.
Pañcuposatha Jātaka (Nr. 490)
- Pandarakā. The name of a river which is erwähnt mit Mallangiri
und Tikūta as a haunt of Kinnarī's. (J.iv.438, 439).
- Pandaranga. A sect of brahmin ascetics; they are erwähnt in the
time of the Buddha (z.B., DhA.iv.8) und also in that of Asoka. Perhaps they
covered their bodies mit ashes. z.B., Dpv.viii.35; Sp.i.44.
- Pandarasa. See Pandara (5).
- Pandavāvana. A park laid out by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lixix.12.
- Pandavavāpī. A tank und a monastery in Ceylon, restored by
Vijayabāhu I. (Cv.lx.48, 58). The tank was later enlarged by Parakkamabāhu I.
und converted into the Parakkamasamudda. Ibid., lxviii.39; for its
identification see Cv.Trs.i.219, n.1.
- Pandimandalanādālvara. A Damila chief. Cv.lxxvi.179.
- Panditakumāraka. A Licchavi who, mit Abhaya, visited Ananda at the
Mahāvana in Vesāli und held a discussion regarding ascetic practices.
- Panditapañha. See Pañcapanditapañha.
- Pandiyarāyara. A Damila chief. Cv.lxxvi.174, 178.
- Pandriya. A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvi.184.
- Pandugati Nanda.-One of the
- Panduka Nanda.-One of the
- Pandukanna
- Pandula. A brahmin of Pandulagāma, rich und
learned in the Vedas. He taught Pandukābhaya,
advised him in the choice of a wife, gave him one hundert tausend mit which
to raise an army, und allowed his son Canda to
accompany him as his friend und counsellor. Mhv.x.20ff.
- Pandulagāma. The residence of Pandula (q.v.); it was to the south
of Anurādhapura. Mhv.x.20.
- Pandunādukottāna. A locality in South India. Cv.lxxvii.105.
- Pandupura. A village near Sāvatthi. DhA.iii.449.
- Panduvijaya. A village founded by Parakkamabāhu I. in memory of his
conquest of the Pandu country. Cv.lxxvii.105.
- Panga. The name of a Pacceka Buddha, found in a nominal list.
M.iii.70; ApA.i.107.
Pangura vihāra
- Pañhamandapatthāna. A place near the Abhayavāpi in Anurādhapura.
- Panihita-acchanna Vagga. The fifth section of the Eka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.i.8 10.
- Panītatara Sutta. The four kinds of birth among the Nāgas und the
pre eminent among them. S.iii.240.
- Paniva. A locality in South India. Cv.lxxvi.184,186.
Pānīya Jātaka (Nr. 459)
- Pānīyadvāra. One of the gates of Pulatthipura erected by
Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxiii.162.
- Pañjalipabbata. A mountain in South Ceylon, at the source of the
Karindanadī. Here Theraputtābhaya lived after he renounced the world und
became an arahant. v.l. Pañcalipabbata, Pajjalitapabbata. Mhv.xxxii.14;
Thūpavamsa 77.
Pankadhā Sutta
- Pañkadhā. A township in Kosala, the residence of a monk named
Kassapa of the Kampagotta. The Buddha is erwähnt as having once stayed there
during his tours in Kosala. A.i.236; AA.i.446.
- Pankavela. A village in Ceylon where Vikkamabāhu II. defeated
Jayabāhu I. und his brothers. Cv.lxi.16; see also Cv. Trs.i.226, n.2.
- Pañña Jātaka. See Pāniya Jātaka
- Paññā Sutta 1.
On the four powers: wisdom, energy, innocence (anavajja) und collectedness or
kindness (sangāha). A.ii.142.
- Pañña Sutta 2.
On eight reasons und causes which strengthen elementary wisdom
(ādibrahmacariyikā paññā). A.iv.151ff.
- Paññā Sutta. Few are they blessed mit insight; more numerous they
that are not. S.v.467.
- Pañña Vagga. The third section of the Patisambhidāmagga.
- Pannabhatta. A village given by Aggabodhi V. for the maintenance of
the Tālavatthu (or Mahāsena) vihāra. Cv.xlviii.8.
Pannadāyaka Thera
- Pannakata. A city in Esikārattha. Pv.iv.7; PvA.195ff.
- Pannañjalika Thera. An arahant. Ninety two kappas ago he lay
grievously ill at the foot of a tree in the forest. The Buddha Tissa, in his
compassion, came to him, und Pannañjalika, unable to rise, clasped his hands
above his head und worshipped the Buddha. Five kappas ago he was König fünf
times, under the name of Mahāsikha. Ap.i.128.
- Pannasālaka. A village in Ceylon. Kalyānavatī, the first queen
consort of Kitti Nissanka, was fond of this village und built a vihāra there,
endowing it mit all manner of possessions. Cv.lxxx.35.
- Pannattankotta. A locality in South India, erwähnt in the account
of Lankāpura's campaigns. Cv.lxxvi.313.
Paññatti Sutta
Paññattivādā (v.l. Pannatti-)
- Pannattivāda. See Paññattivāda.
- Paññavā Sutta. A monk who cultivates the seven factors of wisdom
can be called intelligent. S.v.467.
- Pannavallakabhūta. A monastery in Ceylon, built by Dhātusena.
- Paññāvuddhi Sutta. The four states which conduce to growth in
wisdom: association mit the good, hearing the Doctrine, right reflection, und
right behaviour in accordance mit the Dhamma. A.ii.245.
Pannika Jātaka (Nr. 102)
- Panthaka 1, see Cūla Panthaka
Mahā Panthaka.
- Panthaka 2. Mentioned as the name of a man. J.i.403.
- Pāpa Sutta. The wicked man is he who takes life, steals, etc., und
is of malicious heart; more than wicked is he who encourages others in these
things. Just so mit the good und the more than good. A.ii.222f.
- Pāpa Vagga. The ninth section of the Dhammapada.
- Pāpadhamma Sutta. On the man who is wicked by nature und the one
who is more than wicked; also on him who is of goodly nature und the one who
is more than goodly. A.ii.223.
- Pāpaka. A monk who, believing that his name was of ill omen, wished
to change it. The Buddha preached to him the Nāmasiddhi Jātaka (q.v.) to show
that a name has no importance. J.i.401f.
- Papañcasūdanī. Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Majjhima Nikāya. The
colophon states that it was written at the request of the monk Buddhamitta of
Mayūrapattana. The work is quoted in the Samantapāsādikā. Sp.iv.870.
Pāpanika Sutta
- Pāpanivāriya Thera. An arahant. In der Zeit von Piyadassī Buddha he
had cleaned the cloistered walk of the Buddha und shown great exertion in the
fulfilment of religious practices. Eleven kappas ago he was a König, named
Aggideva. Ap.i.212f.
- Papāta Sutta. The Buddha once went mit some monks to Patibhānakūta
for the siesta, und a certain monk, seeing the precipice below them, asked if
any precipice were deeper than that. Yes, answered the Buddha, the precipice
of ignorance of the nature of dukkka. S.v.448f.
- Papāta Vagga. The fifth chapter of the Sacca Samyutta. S.v.446ff.
- Papatita Sutta. He who does not possess the virtue, the
concentration, the wisdom und the release of the Ariyans, is said to have
fallen away from the Dhamma vinaya. A.ii.2.
- Pappata. A grove near the modern Colombo. Parakkamabāhu VI erected
there the Sunetta parivena in memory of his Mutter. Cv.xci.24; see also
Cv.Trs.ii.216, n.3 und 4.
- Papphālama. A landing place in Rāmañña where the forces of
Damilādhikarin landed. Cv.lxxvi.63.