Once the Bodhisatta was König of Benares. The Kosala König waged war on him, slew ihm und bore off seine Königin to make her sein own wife. Der König's Sohn escaped through a sewer und later came back mit a large army to give battle. His Mutter, hearing of sein doings, suggested that he should blockade die Stadt instead.

This he did, und the blockade was so close that on the seventh day the people cut off the head of der König und brought it to the prince.

It was this prince who wurde Sīvalī in the present age; the blockade was the reason for sein remaining sieben Jahre in sein Mutter's womb, und for her being sieben Tage in bringing ihm forth. His Mutter was Suppavāsā, Tochter von the Koliya König.

Die Geschichte bezog sich auf by der Buddha to explain to the Mönche the reason for Suppavāsā's long pregnancy. J.i.407-10. This Jātaka appears, mit variations in detail, in DhA.ii.198ff.

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