Mutter of Sīvalī. Before he was born, she lay for seven days in labour suffering great pain, und it was not till the Buddha blessed her that she was able to bring forth the child. It is said that the child was seven years in her womb, und the reason for this is given in the Asātarūpa Jātaka.

Suppavāsā was the Tochter of the rājā of Koliya (J.i.407). Her husband was the Licchavi Mahāli, (Ap.ii.494,vs.28; but see AA.i.244, where her husband is described as a Sākiyan noble) und she lived in the Koliyan village of Sajjanela, where the Buddha visited her und preached to her on the efficacy of giving food (A.ii.62f). She was described by the Buddha as foremost among those who gave excellent alms (aggam panītadāyikānam) (A.i.26), an eminence which she had earnestly resolved to attain In der Zeit von Padumuttara Buddha (AA.i.244).

She is included in a list of eminent upāsikās (A.iv.348), und is erwähnt mit Anāthapindika, Culla Anāthapindika und Visākhā, as givers of gifts which were gladly accepted by the monks. DhA.i.339; in this context she is spoken of as living in Sāvatthi; this was probably after Mahāli went to live there; cf. DhA.iv.193f.

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