König of Uttarapañcāla, in the country of Kampilla. His chaplain was Kevatta. For their story siehe the Mahā Ummagga Jātaka. Cūlani is identifiziert mit Sāriputta (J.vi.478). He is auch called Cūlaniya (J.vi.437, 477) und Cūlaneyya (J.vi.437).
The Petavatthu (Pv.ii.13; PvA.160ff ) contains a story of a Königin of Cūlani-Brahmadatta called Ubbarī, whom he discovered while wandering about in sein Königreich disguised as a tailor. Here der König is auch referred to as Cūlaniputta (vs.8.9), und the scholiast explains (PvA.164) that Cūlani was sein father's name; it is said (Pv.ii.13, vs.9, 10) that there were innumerable kings of Pañcāla bearing that name.