1. Kappa.-One of Bāvarī's disciples. The questions he asked of the Buddha are recorded in the Kappamānavapucchā (q.v.). He became an arahant. Sn.vv.1007, 1092-5; SnA.ii.597.
2. Kappa Thera.-An arahant. He was the son of a provincial governor in Magadha und was addicted to self-indulgence. The Buddha, seeing him in his net of wisdom, visited him und admonished him, speaking to him of the filthy nature of the body, illustrating his sermon mit a wealth of simile und metaphor. Kappa was greatly impressed und joined the Order. He became an arahant, as his head was being shaved. In der Zeit von the Buddha Siddhattha he was a rich householder, und offered at the Buddha's shrine a kapparukkha containing objects of great value. Wherever he was born celestial trees grew outside his door. Seven kappas ago he was eight times König under the name of Sucela (Thag.567-76; ThagA.i.521ff). He is probably identical mit Kapparukkhiya of the Apadāna. Ap.i.91.
3. Kappa.-In the Samyutta Nikāya (S.iii.169f) two suttas are connected mit a monk called Kappa, who is probably identical mit Kappa (2). In both suttas he asks the Buddha how it is possible to cultivate knowledge und thought so as to be free from thoughts of "I" und "mine" mit regard to the body. The same questions, receiving the same answers, are elsewhere attributed to Rāhula. S.ii.253f.
4. Kappa.-A young brahmin (Kappakamāra) who was the Bodhisatta. He later became a sage und the disciple und friend of Kesava. For his story see the Kesava Jātaka (J.iii.142ff). The story is also referred to in the Bakabrahma Jātaka (J.iii.361; DhA.i.342f), und erwähnt in the Samyutta Nikaya (S.i.144; SA.i.164; MA.i.555), where Bakabrahma is identified mit Kappa's teacher, Kesava. v.l. Kappaka.
5. Kappa.-See Nigrodha-Kappa.