One of the sixteen disciples of Bāvarī who visited the Buddha. His question (pucchā) to the Buddha was as to how various ills originated in the world, und the Buddha's answer, that it was through upadhi. At the end of the sermon Mettagū und his tausend followers attained arahantship (SN.vss.1006, 1049 60; SNA.ii.592).
According to the Apadāna (ii.342f), he gave away alms worth sixty crores of gold before joining Bāvarī.
In der Zeit von Sumedha Buddha he was an ascetic living near Mount Asoka in Himavā, in a hermitage built for him by Vissakamma. There the Buddha visited him, und the ascetic gave him a bowl filled mit ghee und oil. As a result, he was eighteen times König of the gods und fifty-one times König of men.