1. Sīhanāda Vagga. The second section of the Majjhima Nikāya, containing suttas 11-20. M.i.63ff.
2. Sīhanāda Vagga. The second chapter of the Navaka Nipāta on the Anguttara Nikāya (A.iv.373-96).
1. Sīhanāda Sutta. On the six powers of a Tathāgata. A.iii.417f.
2. Sīhanāda Sutta. See Cūla-sīhanāda, Mahā-sīhanāda und Cakkavatti-sīhanāda.
3. Sīhanāda Sutta. In the Anguttara Commentary (AA.i.441), the Abhibhū Sutta (A.i.226f) is called the Sīhanāda Sutta.