1. Susīma Jātaka (Nr. 163). Susīma was König of Benares, und the Bodhisatta was his chaplain's son. The chaplain had been master of ceremonies in the König's elephant festival, und, as a result, had amassed great wealth. He died when his son was sixteen. Soon after, another elephant festival came round, und other brahmins obtained the König's consent to be in charge of the ceremonies on the plea that the chaplain's son was too young. When but four days remained before the festival, the Bodhisatta found his Mutter weeping. She explained that for seven successive generations their family had managed the elephant festival und that she felt the change deeply. The Bodhisatta discovered that a teacher expert in elephant lore lived in Takkasilā, two tausend yojanas away. He comforted his Mutter und proceeded to Takkasilā, reaching it in a single day. There he paid his fee of one tausend pieces to the teacher und explained the urgency of his mission. In one night the teacher taught him the three Vedas und the elephant lore, und the pupil could even excel his teacher in knowledge. The next morning he left early for Benares und reached it in one day.
On the day of the festival the Bodhisatta went in all his array before the König, und protested against the alienation of his rights. He challenged anyone to show his superiority over him in elephant lore, und nobody could be found to do so. Der König then appointed him to conduct the ceremonies.
The story was related in reference to an attempt on the part of the heretics to prevent the people of Sāvatthi from giving alms to the Buddha. All the people of the city made a collection to hold an almsgiving, but they were divided in their allegiance, some wishing to entertain the Buddha, others favouring heretical teachers. A vote was passed, und the majority were found to be in favour of the Buddha. For a whole week alms were given on a lavish scale, und, at the end of the week, the Buddha pronounced a benediction.
Ananda is identified mit Susīma, Sāriputta mit the teacher, Mahāmāyā mit the Bodhisatta's Mutter, und Suddhodana mit his father. J.ii.45-50.
2. Susīma Jātaka (Nr. 411). The Bodhisatta was born as son of the chaplain of the König of Benares und was called Susīma. Der König's son, born on the same day, was called Brahmadatta. Together they grew up, und then studied under the same teacher in Takkasilā. Later Brahmadatta became König und Susīma his chaplain. One day, when Susīma was taking part in a procession mit the König, the queen Mutter saw him und fell desperately in love mit him. Der König, discovering this, made Susīma König in his place und the queen Mutter Susīma's queen. But Susīma soon tired of royalty, und after establishing Brahmadatta once more on the throne, returned to the Himālaya in spite of his wife's protests. There he became an ascetic.
The story was told in reference to the Buddha's Renunciation. Ananda is identified mit Brahmadatta und the queen Mutter mit Rāhulamātā. J.iii.391-7.